y Download latest Android Lollipop 5.1 stock firmware for MXIII-G Android TV Box ~ China Gadgets Reviews

Jul 31, 2015

Download latest Android Lollipop 5.1 stock firmware for MXIII-G Android TV Box


Download latest Android Lollipop 5.1 stock firmware for MXIII-G Android TV Box from here or from here. Download Android KitKat 4.4.2 stock firmware for MXIII-G Android TV Box from here. To flash firmware on this box from PC via AMLogic USB Burning Tool read this article.

You can now buy MXIII-G TV Box with 1GB of RAM from gearbest.com for only $56.99 with free shipping. You can also buy MXIII-G TV Box with 2GB of RAM from gearbest.com for only $63.99 with free shipping.

Firmware details
Archive: MXIII-G_lollipop
Image: MXIII-G_101L1.img
Model: MXIII-G Android TV Box
Image file size: 501 MB
Platform: Amlogic S812
Inside archive: AMLogic USB Burning Tool - setup_v2.0.5.9.exe

Caution: Please do not update firmware unless you know what you are doing, you really want it or it is absolutely necessary. Firmware updates may occasionally have bad results, like bricking your device, temporarily or permanently. The firmware update process is done entirely at your own risk. Before attempting to update the firmware, back up your data.

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14 comentarii:

Unknown said...

hi.. is it applicable for S812 M8S ? to upgrade lolipop firmware

eXOuT said...

would this work on the
MXIII (no G)? what is the big difference between the boxes? only the ethernet speed?

Konon said...

My box have 103L1 firmware!

Unknown said...

i tried flashing this on a minix neo x8h plus. flashes fine ,but does not boot up. (waited for 12 hours then gave up).

Unknown said...

does it work with minix neo x8h plus? anyone tried?

Rubal Kalra said...

FTP does not allow me to write files on my USB disk. Any solution please.

Unknown said...

I installed this build after I wroke my device but it is not the same as the one it came preinstalled. How can I get that one? ty

Unknown said...

preinstaled 5.1 is very freezing and still falling google play. After downgrade to Kitkat everything goes fine.
Know someone why?
Thank you.

JR said...

I have the MXIII-G 4K RAM:2GB ROM:8GB
I used this firmware and works like the one that was preinstalled.

106l1_151029_USB Flashing

Nasos Alekizoglou said...

Hi, is this the same ROM for MXIII-G 2/16GB?

Unknown said...

is there anyone who can tell me where to download USB drivers for the MXIII-G Firmware upgrade process?

Jon Barbara said...

Please beware that after making a system update, the system may change your resolution to 1080... which might make you think your device is not outputting to HDMI if your TV (Such as Sony Bravia) does not support that resolution. Cost me all morning... and only realised when I connected it to a smaller, but more recent, HDMI monitor that supported 1080.... SO CHECK WITH OTHER MONITORS BEFORE REINSTALLING OR RESETTING!

Tiago said...

Didn't flashed it, but it seems compatible:


Unknown said...

Where do I look on the Android MXIII to discover my ver. of Android OS?

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