y How to easily install Rockchip Rockusb Driver for Windows 8.1 & Windows 10 x64 bit ~ China Gadgets Reviews

Jun 21, 2014

How to easily install Rockchip Rockusb Driver for Windows 8.1 & Windows 10 x64 bit

Variant 1. Download & run 'Rockchip Win10 Driver.reg' file from here, here or here.

Variant 2. Download Rockchip driver USB fix archive from here, here or here. The archive contains two system files: usbhub.sys & usbport.sys (x64 & x86 versions). Go to your system folder C:\Windows\System32\drivers and back-up these 2 files (usbhub.sys & usbport.sys). Then run as admin the file 'franken-usb.bat' or copy over yourself the provided 2 files from the archive over the original existing ones in C:\Windows\System32\drivers. 

Restart your PC. Install RockUSB driver with Rockchip Driver Assistant. Run Rockchip Batch Tool v1.7 and if the first block is pink then press 'Switch' button to turn it into green. The press 'Restore' button to flash the new firmware on your Rockchip CPU device (in my case a RK3188 tablet).

See the below video for details.

22 comentarii:

Buscalibros said...

Thanks so much, it help me with me Primux Zonda 3

Hidradenite Superada said...

Works very and very good in WINDOWS 8.1 PT-BR.
Here I use minix neo x7 and i can make the windows 8.1 install usb driver.
What´s the Magic??

Unknown said...

so windows wont let me back up the usb drivers, how did you guys manage to do it ?

Unknown said...

Are there any Amlogic drivers for s805 TV boxes?

danyrolux said...

@Karl Roberts
Download and install Amlogic USB Burning Tool v2.0.2 --> http://chinagadgetsreviews.blogspot.ro/2014/12/download-amlogic-usb-burning-tool-v202.html or from here http://chinagadgetsreviews.com/download-amlogic-usb-burning-tool-v2-0-4-3.html

Unknown said...

Dude I just spent 4 hours trying to figure this out. Now I can rest easy. Thanks for posting!

Unknown said...

Does not work with Windows 8.1, 64-bit

George said...

Does not work with Windows 8.1, 64-bit

nixdorf01 said...

This WORKS with Windows 8.1 -- 64-bit.

Thanks for this, Stefan.

MgL said...

WORKS with Windows 10 (pro), 64-bit

Unknown said...

where can one get the 3 files the bat file and the 2 sys files - please post a link

Flat Possum said...

My Windows 10 Pro 64bit bluescreened on reboot after placing these drivers.

tsuyipeng said...

ya , in win10 usbuhci.sys complains and induces blue screen, save mode can't save back. Thanks for the backup reminding, using a linux mint USB drive to recover the system. Anyone know how to use tool in ubuntu to do the same thing?

Unknown said...

do not work with win 10. blue screen...I had to replace the .bak files from prompt dos

qbeush said...

Does not work with Windows 10 pro 64bit. Crash system!

Zach Mandt said...

Everything went fine, until i rebooted. Now my windows 10 doesn't recognize anything USB unless it's the RADXA rock. Approach with extreme caution.

Unknown said...

doesn't work on latest stable build (10586.3) of win10 64bit

UMA KANT said...

Not working with win 10 pro ...
If you stuck on blue screen after doing this then please open advance recovery option and select command line
After that change dir to d using "d:" command and after that apply this command " cd\windows\system32\drives " hit enter
Now finally hit " del usbhub.sys"
And " del usbport.sys" now enter exit and start your pc ....

Now go to c drive windows systems32 to drivers and find usbhub.sys.bak and usbport.sys.bak just rename it with removing .bak in this ..... reboot and enjoy

Sayedur R Chowdhury said...

That worked for me (Win8.1 Pro x64) without a hiccup... Thanks a lot.

i_am_fresco said...

Woeka like a champ. Win 8.1 update 3 x64 and Rk30

Unknown said...

Variant 1. It worked for me!!. Windows 10 Pro.

Unknown said...

not workin, crashed system and run recovery. windows 10 x64

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